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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June is the first month of the school year. The first day of classes falls in the first day of June. I think that the vacation is so short and boring. I only enjoyed my summer last April 6 and during the last days of May.

We're now a Senior. (One month na!). But still I feel like nothing has changed. I'm still childish, dependent and not responsible enough. I have the same group of friends. I still have same point of views in life. I still feel like I'm still a kid crossing the street with my parents holding my wrist. It's just like that.

As the days passed, I am starting to feel that I'm a Senior (especially when Ma'am Padrique distributed our ID cards). I don't care about the 'authority' but I think I now have this thing.

Let's now start with my learnings... I'll just focus in TLE. :)

After one month of formal classes, I learned so many things. I learned different things about the TLE subject. I am expecting too much from this subject because I LOVE COMPUTERS since elementary! Knowing that the main topic for the class would be all about PROGRAMMING, I became so excited! In fact, I missed the ComLab and the aircon. :)

Programming... What about it? What is it? The first thing that entered my mind is step - algorithms, procedures and instructions. We discussed many things about the introduction to programming - the basics. These basics talk about the structures of flowchart, its symbols and its uses.
  • Flowchart is the blue print of a program. It's just like an architect making a blue print of the establishment before construction process.
  • Algorithm is called the step-by-step instructions to arrive at the desired outcome. For example, you don't know how to solve the Rubik's cube... the group of algorithms can help you.
  • Symbols are the main structure of the flowchart. It has specific uses and it depends on the programmer's instructions.
  • The most common symbols used are: Start and End Symbols, Arrows, Data, Process, On-Page reference and Decision symbols.
  • Flowcharting follows certain steps, and it includes the following: Review of the Program Specs (Input, Output, Process and File), Program Design.
These things were not just written to complete the teacher's requirement but to show that I have learned so many things. That's all for now, I still have to do lots of things. :)) XD

Squeaks` @* 6:01 AM

During school hours, I don't feel anything wrong when it comes to CAT and the senior officers. It's just the same... hi and hello greetings as a sign of friendship. But when the long hand of the clock is beginning to point at 12 and the short hand pointing at 5, the fast heartbeat starts.

Today is my second day in CAT. Yesterday is a good one. They taught the new recruits to march, walk and follow some commands. I find it hard. I am pressured but it's cool and I am enjoying it. It's tiring but it's worth it. I can now be with Choco every afternoon- after class. I joined because of THEM (my number one purpose!). I also joined because I think that this can help me experience a more memorable high school life. I cannot anymore experience such life like this one.

There are no take TWOs in life unlike movies.

For now, I cannot follow the marching and also the commands. Sometimes I really don't know what it means and what should be done. And I don't know what to do! Good thing 'Ma'am Nica' (or Beno) offered to teach me. (Don't bully me anymore, Ma'am!c: ) Until now, I can't imagine what will I look like if I will join the training. I don't know what would be the feeling if I will join the parade.

Is being nervous a part of the training? This would serve as a challenge for me. A challenge that will help me gain more confidence. (From Ma'am Kim c; )

MA-IGOT NA AKO PUON SAAGA. I'll be more serious. I'll follow. I'll aim for perfection. THAT'S A PROMISE FOR MYSELF.AJA! (Right, Choco?) :)

Squeaks` @* 4:32 AM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

  1. Smile by McFly (a very good song that makes me think of Show Luo. Why? I saw a music video of him made by a fan and it made the song meaningful and full of joy because of his SMILES!)
  2. One Look by Kjwan (I listened to this song when my tooth was being extracted days before putting my braces. This will still be one of my faves. :D)
  3. Jai Ho by Pussycat Dolls and A.R. Rahman (for now, this is the most popular song of the PCD.)
  4. Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas (Kim Bum! haha! I got the song from Manoy Janlen's LG Cookie Phone)
  5. Let's Twist Again by Chubby Checker (The ever popular 60's party song. Cool! XD)
  6. Probinsyana by Bamboo (It's because of Jamlegend! )
  7. Super Mario Bros Theme by Video Games (One of my favorite songs in Jamlegend. I played this song several times this day)
  8. I'll Be Fine by Adrian Fu (This song comforts me when I am 'down' hahaha! Makes me think of Show Luo again!)
  9. Give My Love by Edward Chun (An OST of the Korean Drama 'Save The Last Dance'. It makes me think of elementary days... especially Ninyapoy - a Korean drama addict 'til now. XP)
  10. A Hard Days Night by The Beatles (An old song brought and popularized by Aldrin in this generation. XD)
How about Beyonce's song: Halo, Ego, Irreplaceable and Divas?
Well this is will forever remind me of 4-Gryffindor and ofcourse...
[sikreto lang!] hehehe. :)

Squeaks` @* 6:55 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy 70th Birthday to Mama Lina. :)

(While waiting for our breakfast... we took pictures inside The Fersal Cafe in Cubao.
Taken by Tonet last April 2008)

I wasn't able to talk to her because they're having a fun-filled party in Canada. I heard that this celebration was just a surprise party for our dear Mama Lina. I wish I could also greet her in person and witness the merrymaking with family. I miss her. I miss them soooo, sooo much. :)

Squeaks` @* 7:22 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's still on my mind: every word and every statement of theirs. I have nothing against you. It's all gone (or partly gone). But still, I'm worried. I'm so worried of what will happen next. I'm into the highest degree of being worried. I think I am being a neurotic person. I act normally but for now I'm always nervous... except for the time of laughter and jokes. It makes me ignore my problem. But of course I have the reason to be bothered.

Well, for now I'm not enjoying the night. It seems that I can't relax. We will have an exam in Health tomorrow, quiz in TLE about Programming, assignment in Math and I really don't know what will I work on first. Blogging is my form of relaxation. A form of removing (temporarily) of what's bothering me.

I know I'm not alone. I know I (We) will be guided by Bro.

Enough for the drama. I'm happy and strong (in fact, I already ate my dinner.haha!). I have to work on something. BYE for now. :)

YM Status: Smiling: The Best Way to Relax.

G O O D N I G H T ! : )

Squeaks` @* 6:19 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I really can't believe what my friends told me. Last Monday (during SRA period), I really can't concentrate on what I was reading and answering. Imagine.. I worked 4:16 - 4:43 (27 minutes?) on one power builder! When I got the key card.. THANK GOODNESS! I only got 3 mistakes. It keeps on running in my mind. Is it really true? He can do something like that?

Puon kang maaraman ko 'to, dai na napapauntok ang isip ko na isipon ang bagay na ito. Duwang banggui ko na ito iniisip (hanggang ngunyan pa pati!). Dai ko maimagine na arug pa lan siya ka 'to. Malala! Maray na lang ta mayong klase. Sorry dai ko mailalahad digdi sa blog kung anu ito. Nasa sako na lang ito. I can keep it.

But every time that 'mighty' talks, something is stopping me from believing. Do you think nothing will change after I heard those incidents and stories? Can I act normally? If you only know... you will hate that person.

But I know that respect is necessary even if Mr. Mighty did something like that. He still deserves respect. I do respect you and I'll still respect you.

Squeaks` @* 8:03 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hulaan po nindo kung sisay si Papa ko... hehe.:)
(Prom Night na todo suporta si papa.. igot mag-dalan cotillion..
tapos sa kakadalan.. dai na-video si performance. hahaha!)

Yan.. parehas pa ang polo na sulot kang pagpa-PMA mi.
(Papa ko... matibay mag-pose sa camera. haha!)

Stop-over sa Tagaytay with Papa & Mama.
(Dinadara kami ni Papa kung sain magayon,
ma-XD kami saka kung sain maoogma tapos maenjoy kaming pamilya)

** Tolong bagay pa lang ang nasasabi ko tungkol saiya. Pero maririsa po nindo na saro talaga siyang maray na papa. Driver siya kang family- aga-agang naghahatod samuya nina mama tapos ni ate pasiring sa iskwelahan (minsan ngani sinusundo pa ako after class), taga-saway samo kung may nagiginibong sala, pinagbibigyan mga hinahagad mi maski minsan "luho" naman lang. In short, ginigibo niya ang mga bagay na aram niyang maray. YAN MAN SI PAPA. :)

i l y & i m 8.

Squeaks` @* 7:14 AM

Last night, I slept at around 12 am (actually it's already morning). So I woke up 9:40 in the morning. But it's ok, I had a great time with my new close friend. We threw jokes at each other and even insulted one another. But 'twas fun because after a very long time, we finally considered each other as a CLOSE friend. BTW, he still owes me. He was the first one who got three points in our DEAL. (I'm sorry my friend) For now, you're the loser. hahaha! (Kiddin') :P

While... someone slept early last night and owes me an explanation. I don't know what happened to him. I did not hurt him or made him angry. A change of mood again?

Happy Sweet Sixteen, Cathy. :)

Happy Monthsary, Choco.:)

Squeaks` @* 7:06 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kim Possible's a super saver. Kim Possible's a hero, she fights the villains. I don't really know why this just popped in my mind. I'm not a kid anymore... but I still love cartoons. I love KP so much. :)) I even changed my profile's music and embedded "The Naked Mole Rap" by Ron & Rufus. I'm currently listening to the cool rap. It seems that I'm still the same. I'm still childish and "fun size" (ALDRIIN!). In fact, many call me "AKI" but Denise prefers "KID".

What is that? That freaky thing! It's RUFUS.

Yo, listen up,
Have a howler from Ron
The Naked Mole Rap is the
Name of the song
Here’s the story
In all it’s glory
Ain’t hiding nothin’
Don’t know what the truth is,
How Ron met Rufus
Never heard a cat yarn

Never heard a puppy kern
My dad’s allergic to every kind of fur
So I searched for hairless pets
On the internet
Saw a a’this thing on a pet thing
Gonna need sun screen

What is that, that freaky thing?

(Yes, that’s right
It’s a naked mole rat)
C’mon, y’all, let the girlies sing

(Listen to the naked mole rap)

What is that, that freaky thing?
(Yes, that’s right
It’s a naked mole rat)
Hey, wait I can’t hear the girlies sing

(Listen to the naked mole rap)

I heard Smarty Mart was
Havin’ a sale
On a hairless pink rodent
With a long skinny tail
It seemed that this could be a solution
The perfect pet for my dad’s
Sensitive constitution
So the manager came

To open the cage
He said,
“You know this pet’s hairless?”
I said I couldn’t care less
He handed him to me he said,
“Be careful, don’t drop it,
And do you want this cage?”
No I keep him in my pocket

What is that, that freaky thing?
(Yes, that’s right
It’s a naked mole rat)
C’mon, y’all, let the girlies sing

(Listen to the naked mole rap)

What is that, that freaky thing?
(Yes, that’s right
It’s a naked mole rat)

I’m gonna buy me, some bling bling (Listen to the naked mole rap)

(Rufus, the naked mole rat)

Can I get a boo-ya
Can I get a boo-ya
Look at the camera say cheese
Smile for the camera say cheese
Can I get a boo-ya
Can I get a boo-ya

Look at the camera say cheese
Smile for the camera say cheese

We’ve heard of Bueno Nacho
Chimerito and a naco

Always grande size it
Why not? I’m buyin’
Wit’ Rufus in my pocket
You can’t stop it

Can’t top it, don’t drop it
You might just pop it
Rufus and Ron Stoppable
Wit’ our best friend, Kim Possible
We’re not afraid of any attack
Yo, K.P. we’ve got your back

Squeaks` @* 4:13 AM

Happy 148th Birthday to our national hero:
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

Squeaks` @* 4:11 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

Squeaks` @* 8:48 PM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

NO CLASSES FOR 4 DAYS! Yahooo! This phrase keeps running inside my mind. A LONGER WEEKEND! I can't wait. I'm always longing for this kind of long weekend. I can sleep until lunch, play Jamlegend, watch Brown Sugar Macchiato, listen to my favorite songs, arrange and decorate this blog with cute stuffs and do lots of things without limitations.


He made our day a better one. He keeps on making funny criticisms against an innocent child of God. He also killed our classroom's dullness, helped us make our argument in English and even made us realize that he doesn't know how to confess (not to the priest... I mean....).

(yeah.extra si Aldrin.HAPPY?) =)

Squeaks` @* 10:20 PM

An Article from Says That
DARK CHOCOLATES may decrease the risk of having CANCER.

The Facts

To get the maximum benefits of chocolate, eat 1 to 2 oz. per day and choose dark chocolate, preferably one that is made of 65 percent cocoa. The reason? Chocolate is made from cacao beans, which are an extremely high source of antioxidants. Therefore, the higher the concentration of cocoa in the chocolate, the bigger antioxidant punch you'll get.

The Darker, the Better

Flavonoids are the particular class of antioxidants highly concentrated in dark chocolate, some in the form of procyanidins (catechin and epicatechin). Flavonoids are found in hundreds of foods that we eat, from red wine and nuts to olives and tea to berries. Shortly after we eat chocolate, the flavonoids--especially the catechins--are absorbed from the intestines to assert their antioxidant and antiplatelet, or heart-healthy, qualities throughout the body.

Research is Ongoing

Research is emerging in the area of dark chocolate and cancer. There are numerous ongoing studies; some are conducted in cell lines, others are in animals, and only a handful are conducted in humans. Research certainly provides a reality check--and helps guide our recommendations for consuming this food once thought to be sinful.

Preclinical studies (not in humans) have shown that flavonoids in chocolate stop cell division, which could potentially inhibit development of a cancerous tumor. In addition, a study published in the "American Journal of Nutrition 2005" (Sies, et al) showed that the intake of flavonoid-rich chocolate decreased the concentrations of proinflammatory enzymes.

Good Mood

Finally, as most people know, chocolate stimulates pleasure centers in the brain, and induces endorphins to improve your mood.

Antioxidant Activity

Let's face it, there are many types of commercially available chocolates to choose from, so, where should you start? A survey evaluated a number of cocoa and cocoa-containing products for their antioxidant activity (Miller et al, 2006 "Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry"). The study found that natural cocoa had the highest levels of antioxidants followed by baking chocolates, dark chocolates and then baking chips. Milk chocolate and syrups were lowest in antioxidant activity. Evidence shows that flavonoids bind to the proteins in milk, therefore render them less active than their darker counterparts. This further emphasizes the recommendation to choose a dark chocolate with the highest cocoa content for maximum cancer prevention potential.

The Author

Christine L. Sardo, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and national speaker on optimizing nutrition for cancer prevention and survivorship. She has lectured at the Canyon Ranch in Tucson, AZ, and also reaches the public through television, radio and healthy cooking classes.



My Reaction

I don't think that chocolates (in general) could cause Ovarian Cancer just like what Sir Maskom said to us. In fact the dark chocolates would help us in our daily living. One benefit of a dark chocolate is it acts as a stimulant. This stimulant would act as our energy drink for the day and make our mood better. (The other benefits were mentioned in the article.)

But despite of these negative and positive facts about chocolates, eating the right way will still be the best method. (Right Chocoholics?)

Squeaks` @* 9:28 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I don't have any surprise party for my father. I don't have any expensive gift either. I don't have lots of money to treat my father in a restaurant. I don't have balloons, cakes and posters for him. But I'm sure I have this one thing for him. Hmm. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, (B1)? (Yes B2!) Operation Father's Day. Hahaha! :))

kung ano yung iniisip ninyo.. yun na yun!

Happy Father's Day, Papa.
LYMI. :)

Squeaks` @* 9:03 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009

(PMA - 09/2008)

Happy Independence Day!
To our heroes, thanks for the long weekend. :))

Squeaks` @* 8:12 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sleeping is my hobby during summer, weekends and holidays. For short, I REALLY LOVE to hibernate during vacations. I'm a teen. I love adventures, fantasy and anything that is worth my time. So I should always have extra energy for extra extra activities.

-I'm sleepy.^o^

Uh.. I forgot to mention... I really, really love my friends. Whenever I'm with them, I feel secured. Secured from having troubles, problems, loneliness and even embarrassment. They would always try to help me until these 'difficulties' are gone. They would always encourage me whenever I feel that something isn't going in the right way. They're always beside me. Well, I just want to share what I feel right now... I miss them.

-I'm sleepy and I miss them.

( emo.XD)

I'm not yet finished with my assignments in Analytical Geometry and English.
I'm not yet finished with this blog's additional details.
I'm not yet in the mood to solve. So I decided to post in this blog.
I'm not yet ready to turn off the lights and rest.

-But I'm sleepy, I miss them and I'm not yet ready.

(what a nonsense post.GOOD NIGHT.XP)

Our name is still CHOCO, not OCG. (Whatever, sir. ^_^)

Squeaks` @* 7:17 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm still awake, listening to my sister's iPod (Now Playing: Chelsea by MEST). I just want to relax and get ready for tomorrow's class. But I just want to finish our Physics exercise: Physics and Its Branches. Anyway, I'm almost done so I made this blog for the school year 2009-2010.

The first week of our Senior life has ended. It's so fast. Maybe I'll just wake up and "POOOF!" I'm now a college girl. I really can't imagine and think that I'm now a Senior in our school. "Parang kailan lang nga talaga." This is really is it, my time to make my grades better, perform well, make good friends ang put all my effort to make this high school life a super, 'to the max' a memorable one. So I really want to be busy. I am joining the recruitment activity of the DLMO. I am planning to have an advance study in Math every week and I still want to learn piano because I failed to do so last summer. I THINK I can handle these things in the right way and that's it... I can do it!

GO! :)


BENO: mamimiss pa lang kita. haha. XP
DENISE: look! chubby-chubby ka. :)
NIÑA: maputi pa rin.Korean adik pa rin. =)

(namimiss ko na kayo, jeniseca at patuloy ko pa kayong mamimiss.YEA!)

Squeaks` @* 11:38 PM


I'm Not Mickey:P
I'm Frances Jenny A. Ibasco.
a senior student of NCSHS
16 years breathing


sleeping. playing ball.
Chocolates with Almonds :D Coffee.
Ice Cream. Mocha. Concord Cake.
Flash. Animations. Photographs.


nica | ivy | bert | aldrin | weia | borj | aries | krizzia | angela | kevin | ibasco :P | SCIhigh


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Oh Boy~!


June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
November 2010